We are an ISO/TS 16949:2009 certified company since 2005. As most of the products are supplied to OE manufacturers , Quality is identified as the core competence of our operations. We create the necessary conditions for high production reliability and optimized processes.

Constant development of these systems and processes lead to lower cost for our customers. State of the art measurement and testing methods are utilized to ensure top quality supplies. Our rigorous quality processes ensure the internal integrity of the products.

Quality Policy

Customer Focus

  • Satisfy our customer’s needs & expectations.
  • Make commitments we fully understand & believe we can meet.
  • Meet all commitments to customers on time.

Performance Driven

  • Monitor, benchmark & continuously improve our business, products, services and performance of organization & employees.

Brassoforge’s Goal

  • Strive for continual & sustainable growth of the business, organization & individuals.